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rely on mind
i'm your soul.

Your photo here.

Hii :) I'm just a girl. and this is a piece of my mind xD ..!
Hope you like my blog :) Enjoy!

strike out.

There will be a time when you believe everything is finished. That will be the beginning.
♥ ♥ ♥
Remember that the road of healing winds through pain, anguish, sickness and many tears.
♥ ♥ ♥
Conflicts builds character. Crises defines it.
♥ ♥ ♥
Even the broken clock can be right twice a day.
♥ ♥ ♥

hearts talking.

alternative exits.


my days, not yours.


♥Music is life♥

Music Playlist at MixPod.com

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

People do always talk about life being unfair.. but ever realized what if it was all fair?. Life is like this confusing thing and sometimes some of us just wish life could end. No one tells you that life is going to perfect or something. No one tells you that there is not going to be any problems. There is going to be problems and when they only seem to be getting worse do not expect people to tell you that life is going to be fair.And for some its parents who are blamed. But Think about that and then you will realize that they are not making your life miserable but they are just trying to help most of the time. But trust me they want whats best for you! No one ever tells you what to expect in life. No one can predict what you are going to grow up like and absolutely NO ONE tells you life's entire crisis's that are affecting everyone at this very moment. Stuff like depression or suicide are the things that you never expect to consider for yourself. No one ever tells you that in life you are going to lose someone close to you so soon. If you are questioning the meaning of life because you have been unhappy and depressed or if you want to know the meaning of life because you feel useless and worthless. There are people out there in the world who have gone through the same things. And the important thing is to stop allowing your self to believe it is because you know its not. Everyone has there ups and down troubles and the only solution is to over come them..

1:09 PM

Sunday, April 19, 2009

We all have things we want to escape from. Some people have their bad family lives ..weather it be with siblings or parents or otherwise. Some have bad jobs that they hate and this gives them something else to do. Some people are just plane bored like me and need an escape for purely that reason.! lol. It’s a way to get far, far away from your problems and everything that’s bothering you, without actually leaving your home..:) And I do believe that writing is one of the great-est escape.! Its like writing your own fictional world..or maybe even modify the one right your living and like be a part of it.. And then you meet your favorite people and you make your story on your own way with all perfections and all ..You can be whoever you want to be! whenever you want to be or wherever you want to be without even taking a step or getting like a plastic surgery. You control every twist and turn in it every plot point and ever word in it. Reading which is an another escape! Are the stories about beloved characters has been around for like centuries!!. You place yourself smack dab in the middle of somebody’s life.. watching twist after twist unfold and you don’t do any of the work ;)! And yes! television is among one of the many great inventions which you don’t have as many details and you can actually feel the emotions that each character is going through. I do believe that mind and imagination are both fascinating things. Creating worlds within worlds is only a thing that human beings are capable of and most are glad to be able to. Weather you prefer controlling everything or just your words and actions alone an escape is sometimes all one needs to stay sane.. :]

2:08 PM

A tear drop away ..Shadows follow, every seed growing slowly takes time for your eyes to open.! Realize what your losing..?? Sorrow fills your heart as hers was filled for on going months. Lies that were truths between you and I. A secret that caused my eyes to open to see you can lose something you never had and miss it even more then what you thought you'd planned. A song that enters my ears, leaves within seconds from my existence but the song your eyes sing to me every time I look in them stays deep within my heart causing this pain I don't wish to go away. Its the only memory I have of something lost that was never mine...

4:16 AM

Monday, March 30, 2009

Friends~ all of us have them.
They are the people who we consider family though we don't have the same blood. The people we turn to when life seems to be at its worst.. The people who we care about and love for reasons that we ourselves can't even explain..:)
In a way.. friends become a permanent piece of us. And i do believe that I'm really lucky to have the best-est friends i ever met! And whom i couldn't ask for any better friends :D!

Without them i would be missing a massive part of my life :)!
Friends for Eternity

1:42 PM

I was away from blogging for sometime..I was actually bit (really) lazy these days!!:P So must have seen the new look of my blog lol..! Actually something weird was with the previous template!! It was some virus im guessing, i was having ad's over the page! >. that way! *Its the color notes near that camera and pictures over there* i didn't see it at the first place too:P!
And so talking about new things going on just my grand dads really ill..and about me im the same!.:]..really sad that holidays are going to end! lol now is much better:P!! And yeahh thats it for now!!:P anyway hope the template is nice..! ;) I'm back with the blogging! ♥♥♥

7:40 AM

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Sometimes.. I want to scream! I want to scream at the top of my lungs until I can't scream anymore. Sometimes.. I just want to hit something.! I want to hit anything as hard as I can and keep hitting it until my arms go numb...And Sometimes; I want to run and run as fast and as far as I can until my legs collapse beneath me..Or sometimes, I need to cry.. but I don't.! because I hate to waste that time.. Also sometimes.. I need to close my eyes and listen to my own hear beat! but I can't.. because I'm surrounded by noise.. Then sometimes.. I need to yell at someone; yell as loud as I want at them!! and see the shocked look on their face.. but I don't, because yelling has consequences.!! And yeahh!. Sometimes, I need to tell the truth just like shout it from a very tall building!! and be free of it but I don't.. because I don't think the truth will be enough...sometimes I imagine what my life would be like if I made certain choices!! if I acted a certain way towards certain people.. if I dedicated myself to the things important people consider essential and significant.! Sometimes, I imagine what might happen..or like what would have happened and what I thought would happen!. Sometimes.. I imagine what would happen if I did something I never have before.. And Sometimes I imagine things that never could should or will happen.. but it never hurts to imagine or does it!!? :]
Sometimes.. life gets you down.! Sometimes it beats you and beats you until you just want it to finally kill you.. Sometimes it refuses to give in. All you can do is take it and when Life finally stops hitting you.. you have to get up and stand again!. you have to take another punch you have to keep going.. Because if you can just suffer through it for a little longer.. because if you can just stay alive life will let up on you, even if for only one moment. And in that moment, you will finally see why people take the beatings Life has to give.. because in that moment in betweeen..it's all WORTH it!!. The cold hard truth is Sometimes'..Life sucks! But, sometimes..it doesn't ;);)

7:24 AM

Thursday, February 26, 2009

With the painful era of Myspace long dead and gone new has taken a foothold in our society~ Facebook.!
Each day countless hours are wasted away rummaging through comments or checking the notice board in the hope of receiving a new friend request. As a victim of this myself.. I can say the addicting online facebook! is not only time consuming, but also quite overrated. Originally a convenient means of keeping in touch with relatives, conversing with friends, or keeping updated on social events, Facebook is now polluted with thousands of nonsensical applications and uninteresting cell-phone photos.
Facebook is also known for its ability to act as an online photo album, where friends and family can view vacation photos and leave little comments, but even that use seems to get abused. I can’t count how many people fill up albums with pictures unrelated. Not only do people feel the need to fill albums with cell-phone pictures of their face, but also to take as many pictures as they can of daily life.
The idea of applications first came to Facebook in the form of Graffiti, a harmless sketchpad, but it soon turned into a massive number of pointless and irritating quizzes.! Not only do these quizzes take up time, but also space.
While all this is true, people may still wonder whether there is an alternative to Facebook, a way to keep in touch with their friends and to keep updated on events. Well there most definitely is!

2:28 AM